After all this, I'll be moving to Kampar. Before going there, I don't know what I want to do here. I doubt there's anything I like to do before I go. Must study soon.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Last Day of Foundation
Tomorrow will be the last day for foundation classes. Finals are ahead. Haven't even study as usual. Still, I plan to get A and aim for the best. Hope I can actually do it instead of just saying it. Lately, I've been quite lazy and kept slacking. Didn't even felt like blogging.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Day Not So Lucky
It all happened yesterday on 24th November. When I woke up yesterday, was gonna get ready for class. I decided to play the radio on my handphone.
Then I found out that the port cannot connect with the earphone. Maybe the port spoiled. Sigh... Can no longer enjoy tunning to radio while I walk home from university.
Next, I was gonna be late for class so I was rushing. While I was gonna get into the car, my green bottle dropped out and cracked due to the impact with the floor. All the water spilled out. Now I have to carry a larger bottle which is more heavy.
When I got into class, I tried to adjust my spectacle, it broke too. Zzz... Hard to see without spectacle. Fortunately, I still have my old one as spare. The spectacle need to wait for a week only can replace.
During lunch, we ate at the usual mamak place. I think I dropped my UTAR tag there. I only found out when I was going to board the bus.
Today was the deadline to pass up programming assignment. With my old spectacle, it's a bit difficult to do. Managed to finish the assignment today at 6am. Was up all night doing it. Flowchart was a drag... At least it's all over now. Hope for high marks. All thanks to the pro programmer on my team.
These series of unfortunate events or you might say bad luck might be a karma to me. It just too much to happen on one day. So not my luck. So not my day. Bad day. Hope my luck will be different during my finals. Two more weeks till final exam. Must not get left behind. Otherwise, no pizza hut for the Hamster.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Finance Assignment Complete!
Wow, finally managed to complete an assignment before the date of submission. Quite an achievement to finish this early. Got mistake or not, I'm not sure. Since we got finance assignment down, let's start programming soon. Should be fun doing it, I hope. Oh ya, I had programming midterm yesterday. The paper seems easy enough. However, I made a few careless mistakes. I've forgotten that pseudocode section the formula need to be in the form which computer can interpret instead I just copy the whole exact same formula given. Hope still can get high marks. Two more weeks left until foundation over.
Was doing assignment with Ji Yang. And as usual, he "Beh Tahan!" again. Thanks to Tan Ji Yang, 0901861, Vicz Chan and Prince Chantastic for a great job. Nice to work with you all. All the best to us.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Midnight Movie
Class ended at 12pm, but due to the rain, I stayed until 4pm only went home. Before that, had lunch at SP Corner and later on waited at PD block. Was suppose to celebrate with Jia Wern again because only last Friday was her real birthday. Since she already celebrating with her family, we called it off. We told Lay Ching how nice the movie was and she wanted to watch it.
Around 8pm, we went to Tropicana City. Herman was having his dinner while Ji Yang and I queued for tickets. The line was totally packed with people. We could barely get tickets. What's more worse is we got front roll seats. Isn't front roll seats suppose to be a good thing? Ya, at concerts and sorts but definitely not movie! That was the second time I watch movie at front roll seats. The screen is just right in front of us.
Before that, there are a lot of time as the movie only starts at 12.05am. It has been a while since I watch movie at midnight. We walk around and wait for the time to pass. Later on, went to arcade. Herman was playing Street Fighters. Lay Ching wanted to play Daytona on manual drive. She was so happy when she learnt how to drift with manual drive. She even get first place while I was in second place. We played again another round. This time with Herman racing. Unfortunately, Lay Ching wasn't racing with us. Herman got first place and I came in second again. We also played free basketball game thanks to Lay Ching. Most probably people play until half way and left. She pressed the button and the balls just fall out. What surprising is she did it for 3 machines!
So finally the time has came and we went for the movie. As usual, Ji Yang "Beh Tahan!" and fell asleep during the movie. Sitting at front roll isn't that comfortable when it comes to movie. After the movie, my back hurts and it's already around 3am. Went home immediately and sleep.
2012 The Movie
It was Thursday after classes around 12pm, went to watch 2012 along with Prince Chantastic Wayne, Vicz Chan and Ji Yang. We bought tickets at Tropicana City GSC. The 3 of us brought our student ID card along except Vicz Chan. Was suppose to have discount of 3 person for student price. However, the cashier key in wrongly which result in 3 adults and 1 student. Zzz... There was no refund as the cashier declare that the system is locked once entered. Discount become like no discount at all.
Since the movie only starts at 3pm, it's still early and we went to the arcade next to the cinema. Played Daytona again for 2 rounds. First time, I got 2nd place for beginner mode and for the expert mode I got 3rd place. Played the basketball game too. Vicz Chan has to pluck off his extremely long finger nail. Finally, when it's just about time, we entered the cinema and found our seats.
The movie was about 2 hours and was quite nice. Get to see spot cars inside and a part with middle finger. The movie showed us that human lose their humanity at the moment they stop caring for each other. The ugly side of humanity like greed and cruelty is clearly displayed. Fame, position and wealth are examples of discrimination. On the other hand, throughout the chaos, the people stood united as one when the world is about to end. Even some greedy people like the Russian fat guy will sacrifice his own life for his children. The President of America decided to stay behind with his country and people. It also tells us to value and treasure those precious to us before it's too late. After the movie, we all went home.
An Early Celebration of Jia Wern's Birthday
It was last Wednesday that we decided to host an early celebration for Jia Wern's upcoming birthday on Friday,13th November. Hmm... The appropriate word to use now should be passed birthday since I only blog about it now.
On that day, class ended at 4pm and we went to a bakery shop at Taman Connaught,Cheras to choose a cake for Jia Wern. I forgot what kind of cake it was. I don't really like to eat cakes anyway. Erm... I was in the way and caused trouble to the others. They probably don't want an eye sore like me to be there. I don't really like to mix around anyway. But I've got to be there to celebrate with Jia Wern and also I'm the one with transportation to get us home. Well, it passed anyway but I won't forget the words said to me.
It was still early for night market to be open at 5pm while the sky is still bright. Before meeting up with Jia Wern, we walk along the night market and bought foods. Later, celebrate at Fun Ok Cafe. An interesting place which makes you feel like home and full of games as well as toilet bowl as seats? They were playing UNO card game. Until the clock strikes 10pm, we went home.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Jia Wern's Assignment
It was just last Tuesday, we went to Jia Wern's house to help her with her web page assignment. Class ended at 10am, then the few of us set off to Jia Wern's house. Fortunately, an expert came along with us. When we reached there, we all were just been fooling around. At 11.30am, we went to Leisure Mall Wong Kok for lunch. After that back again to proceed with the work. All thanks to the expert there and our teamwork, we managed to help Jia Wern finish her project. Hmm... Can consider complete I guess. Seriously, this is all possible thanks to the expert, Prince Chantastic Wayne. Around 5pm, depart from Jia Wern's house and set off to next destination to sent the expert home. That was the first time I went to Wayne's house. Witnessed Wayne's fatherly side. Very caring for kids.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Self Discovery
Recently this week I have this new ability to wake up early in the morning without an alarm. Maybe it's because I've been sleeping early. As they say : "Sleep early, wake up early, good for health" (早睡,早期,身体好). I woke up just as I needed to and jump out of the bed. It's very unlike me. Usually, it's hard for me to get out of bed as I sleep like a pig. Even with alarms and all sorts of noises can't wake me up from my slumber. Before this I was sleeping quite a lot. I gave myself a nickname as the Sleeping Dragon in the eternal slumber. I wonder will I lose that ability if I sleep late again.
It's the weekend anyway, there's no class tomorrow and I don't have to get up early. Gonna finish with another anime called xxxholic. Hmm... Jia Wern need help with web page assignment? I got my own assignment too. Have to type out both question 1 and question 2 as well as front cover tomorrow for finance assignment. What's more, I downloaded another online game introduced by Yik Shiow, Emil Chronicle Online. I already have so many online games but I can't resist this one. It seems very intriguing as it is anime based.

Friday, November 6, 2009
MJ Movie x2
Pissed with myself again for not understanding anything taught in finance lecture class today. After classes, we stayed a while to do assignment. Not sure about the correctness of the answer but we managed to finish question 1 and question 2. All that's left now is question 3. After that, went to Tropicana City with Ji Yang for MJ movie as I promised him. The condition was after we're done with assignment. I take responsibility for my words. It was the second time I watch this movie but I still like it. Nice songs and awesome dance moves. Glad he enjoyed the movie too. Knew he would like it. Just like the first time I went for the movie, people never leave even the credit was showing.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Fundamentals of Finance Assignment
Wore short pants to UTAR today. They seems so surprised that I dress like that. It's not really the first time I wear like that to UTAR maybe they just never see before. Chin Ping said cute. Zzzz... Today programming practical was quite fun too. Learnt some more new codes. Hmm... Today suppose to start on finance assignment? I wonder if it's true. Need to work on the first question assigned to me. Let's get it started!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Disappointed With Myself
Fundamentals of Finance midterm exam just over. 7.30pm is really not a good time to drive! Traffic jams everywhere. Furthermore, it was raining. Should I be relieved now or upset? I think I did quite badly for the exam. Studied just like no study at all. Balance sheet not balance. Hope for miracles. Hope the outcome is not what I expect. Time to start assignment soon.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Fundamentals of Finance Midterm Exam!
Yet again will be having midterm exam this soon. Tomorrow at 6.30pm to 7.30pm will be having Fundamentals of Finance midterm exam. Class will end at 4pm. There'll be 2 and a half hour to study before the exam. Hope I'll do fine tomorrow. Good luck to everyone else too.
The only problem is...WHY IS THE EXAM TIME HAVE TO BE THIS LATE?! After the exam at 7.30pm will be lots of traffic jam. Zzzz... Anyways, have to study now.
Monday, November 2, 2009
What Did I Do Wrong?...
After back from relative's house yesterday, I finally went out with my father. It has been sometimes now when I last met with him. I don't know I should feel happy or excited about seeing him after so long...
Before I proceed, I want to say I shouldn't be posting this on my blog. As my blog stated forbidden memories, which means memories that I kept to myself, hidden and locked in the depth of my mind. Simply means things that I do not wish to share with others even those closest to me.
I don't know is there any misunderstanding but all I said was my car requires a change of engine oil. Thus, I did not drive the Proton Wira yesterday. I did not ask grandfather to take the car to service. Instead, I drove my mom's car along with my brother in the car, I went to fetch my father. Just as he requested, I passed him the bills and letters he asked for. Then, we set off to a nearby mamak store near his house. On the way there, I noticed my driving isn't his liking. I know I am still an amateur at driving. I will apologize for my drivings style.
When we reached there, we sat down and ordered beverages. Afterwards, my father started to say something to me... Mentioning I value my friends more than my siblings... This was not the first time he said that to me... I know what he said is right but I do not know what I did that made him said that. Furthermore, I did not do anything to my siblings. In addition, nowadays I rarely hangout with any friends of mine. You give me pocket money and told me to spend it carefully. I did not ask money from you. Honestly speaking, I never spend money recklessly unlike my sister. In fact, I rarely spend money. I've been going out less and managed to cut my petrol spending to RM20 in 3 months time. As for my meals at university, I only order teh tarik RM1 daily. Maybe you don't like it when I go Genting and Malacca during my holidays instead of going to work. I know I don't know how to earn money and only know how to spend money, but I tried my best not to burden you. That's why I tried my best to get a scholarship.
I can understand that you're upset maybe because business is bad for you recently and you want to unleash your frustration on me. But I really don't know what I did wrong. My brother was sitting next to me and he did not get any scoldings. Just like you never scold your daughter even if she is the one at fault! I'm always the one for you to put out your anger on... I respect you and I look up to you as my hero. I tried my best at my studies just as you wish. I receive more scoldings than praising from you. However, I will never hate you. I'm not saying I'm not at fault but rather confused and don't know what I did wrong. I think you will never be proud a son like me...
Regarding Kampar, I still don't know I want to go or not. But I think I do not have a choice and it's too late to turn back now. Hopefully, things will be different for me. Away from things that will become a forbidden memory.

~Disobedient, Rebellious Son
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Micheal Jackson Movie
It's the end of another week of semester 3. Went back around 1pm today after classes. Saw the textbooks I wanna purchase. Total 3 books cost about RM145. I still don't have enough money and I don't want spend it all. I'll be back for the books! I might need it for my degree course. Went to PD block with Ji Yang and waited for the bus to arrive. PD block's computers have quite a fast Internet connection. I can even login to Kingory.
Shortly after I reached home, my mom wanna go 1 utama. Just accompany her shopping since she felt bored at home. Later at 6.45pm, we watched Micheal Jackson's Movie: This Is It! The movie shows all his rehearsals for his concerts. I'm not a big fan of Micheal Jackson but I just like his songs. After watching his movie, I think Micheal Jackson is a genius. No wonder Ji Yang like him so much. His dance moves are cool and simply amazing! I was so fascinated watching him move. Other than that, his songs are nice too. Some are quite meaningful and caring. For example, Heal The World. It shows that he's not just a performer on stage but also a caring person with much love to share. His music video is awesome and full of feelings. Very creative and the special effects are so real. Audience even stayed and watch the credits. This is the first time I've ever seen audience stay and watch credits. Hmm...Saw Chon Kai, Chian Min and Jia En at 1 utama too.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Call of Duty 4
A week has passed since semester 3 started. I'm still doing fine. Went for Problem Solving and Programming's first practical class. It's very intriguing. Can create basic things now I think. Can't wait for the next class. I wish to get the textbooks for this semester. But currently short of money.
Razer's Laser Mouse
Zero, Phoon William
Friday night, best friend, Chon Kai needed people to play Call of Duty 4 with his team. So, he asked me and my cousin to join. We went to Sunway Rock Cafe. People in the cyber looks mostly like nerds to me. I know I shouldn't say this cause I am one myself. Before the match start, we played a few trial rounds for testing of buttons. I'm a new player who never play this game before and not good at shooting games. We played 3 matches. Lost the first match and won the second match. Third match could be say a draw maybe. I wasn't good at it at all. I ranked the last for all matches, but at least I killed few shots.
After that, we waited for the lucky draw, the only reason why we're there for. We have 6 people in a team. One of us, Jason were chosen for the price of RM30 voucher at Sunway Rock Cafe. Next, my cousin was chosen and another guy. They played rock,paper,scissor to choose the paper. Who ever chosen GG will be withdraw. My cousin won and chosen For The Win! He was so happy when he got the Razer Mouse, which cost about RM100 something. For the final prize, 4 people were called out. One of them was me. They called Raiko, Win Soon. But I taken the paper with GG on it. So...Well, few seconds of joy. I don't know what is the prize (some kind of computer hardware) but it cost RM500. Finally, we went home at 11.30pm.

Monday, October 19, 2009
First Day of Semester 3
Semester 3 is a new beginning? Some people seems to changed in their appearance. Most are still the same. This semester only have 2 subjects, which are Problem Solving and Programming as well as Fundamentals of Finance. Hmm... First class started at 11am today. I arrived around 9am something. First class was quite interesting, I think. Easy enough to understand, I guess. Since only 2 last subjects, I hope I can do better for this semester. Wonder who will be teaching Fundamentals of Finance tomorrow. Class will start at 8am and ends at 10am. Only one class. Downloaded the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Express Edition which is required for Problem Solving and Programming.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Another Exhausting Trip - Malacca Trip
9 October is the day I'm going to Malacca. Before going to Malacca, I went to overnight at CCS's house for the first time. We played games the whole night until forgotten about the time. We slept around 5am and have to wake up at 7am. Only can sleep for few hours. It's alright because we're used to this. We slept at his living room. It's surprisingly comfortable and no mosquito to disturb our slumber.
The next day, we woke up and got ready for the trip. CCS's brother fetch us to the Bukit Jalih LRT station. We took LRT and meet up with the others at the bus station. We departed at 10.30am and started our long journey. There is only us few that talk in the bus, other passengers were sleeping or something. We reached Malacca Sentral around 1.30pm.
Then, we wait for our fellow Malacca friends to fetch us with two cars. They drove us to have lunch first. I ordered hot plate noodle as well as CCS. As usual I also ordered watermelon juice for my drink. The cost beverages and foods were cheaper than where I came from. The place I came from is like doubled the price of products at Malacca. After that, we went to a shopping center for window shopping. The 8 of us played around of Daytona and there were exactly enough for the 8 players. I took the 7th car but I won 1st place. I was quite excited since it was the first time I play Daytona and the first time I get 1st.
After than around 5pm, we went to our living place for the 4 days. I was quite surprised about it! It's no hotel, no motel... It's a kampong place! What an experience! First time staying in a kampong place too. There were chickens and surprisingly it's so modern that even people living in kampong have computers and Internet access. We moved 4 matress to the room we're staying. At night, we went to eat Laksa. I took a lot and it only cost RM5. Then, we walk around and saw some performance. A guy using his bended finger to open coconut. He talks a lot though. Later on, we went to a cafe with all kind of special beverages. Coffee from all states and all sorts of unique drinks. After that, we called it a day.

CCS's Special Drink
The next day, we woke up early. Had nasi lemak and curry puff for breakfast with milo as drink. Then we packed our things and set off to A Famosa water park. The ticket cost RM40 per person. We had so much fun going on so many rides that when we came back we all had sunburns. The ticket included with lunch and I chosen curry chicken rice. Then, we went home and rest due to exhaustion. We went out again for satay celup as our dinner. (Satay celup is something like steamboat but it's dip with satay sauce instead of soup.) Quite delicious as well as the drink. As usual watermelon juice again and the tasty 凉茶. I took so much but ate about RM15 only. So, we went home later on and played with cards.

We woke up quite late the other day due to fatigued from the previous day at water park. The sunburn still stings. The 3rd day, we went to 古城 and museums. As they say, going to Malacca is meaningless if you don't go to 古城. Still quite tiring and did a lot of walking here and there. At night, we had BBQ. We bought food for BBQ at Tesco. There were roasted fish balls, sausages, chicken wings, soft drinks, and roasted roti canai leftover from our breakfast? After eating, we cleanup and went to bed.

Reminds you of Sejarah huh?

System Barter? Sounds familiar?

Laksamana Hang Tuah

All kinds of ship models
12th October will be the last day for us at Malacca. Woke up early and packed our things. Cleared the room we've been staying. Went out for breakfast. For breakfast, we had the famous chicken rice balls. Then, we had ABC icing for deserts. Finally, we went back to PJ. It is a tiring trip but it was very enjoyable. Much better than the previous trip as everyone is united. We all played together and do everything together. Although I'm not used to the living place but I say it's still fun as we played cards during the nights.
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Mooncake Festival said (Yesterday at 7:26 PM):
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╰⊙═⊙╯ 送月餅囉 中秋快樂
Thanks Jia Wern for this. Hahaha...You're the only one that sent this to me. But sorry I wasn't online to thank you for it. So I wanna thank you now. Really appreciate it.
1st & 2nd October, Genting Trip
Woke up at 6am, pick up two friends and went Paramount LRT station to meet up with another two friends. Then the five of us set off to KL Sentral and rendezvous there with the rest. So a total of 13 of us went for our trip after finding a bus. I enjoy trip to Genting in the bus as I like traveling to far distance places. Like the view along the journey.

Reached there around 9am after riding the cable car. Then we when to book two rooms at Theme Park Hotel. Finally, we get to play outdoor games. A good thing about the trip is that, we don't have to queue for both cable car ride and outdoor park tickets because it came with a package with the bus ride. The mist was thick during the morning. It was cold. It's fortunate that I was prepared, I brought my jacket along.
Played all sorts of rides. Some a few times even. However, it's just not the same as the time I went with my high school friends. We're just not that close and not that united. Most of the time we went our separate ways although we planned to go together.
So, the only fun part is the outdoor rides. At night, we had cup noodles but it's just not enough to fill our stomach. Hence, we went to First World Hotel to have our dinner. Everything was so EXPENSIVE! It's like double the price from where we came from. I tried to spend as less as possible. I barely have enough money to go back the next day. After that, I went back to our room and watch television until I fell asleep while they went clubbing. I wasn't in the mood to join. While I'm alone in the room, I thought I would be scared but I guess when I'm in those kind of mood, I didn't really care about anything.
Next morning, woke up at 7am. We meet up around 8.30am in the lobby. Was wasting time since don't know what to do. Had KFC for breakfast. Watched them play pool. Around 2pm took cable car down. Only managed to book a bus back to Gombak at 3.15pm. Then took LRT back to Asia Jaya. Was a long journey back too. A lot of station until our stop. It was nice at first until a lot of people came in. Lastly, took bus and walk back home. Overall, quite satisfying and tiring trip. Hope Melacca trip would be better than this.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Back To Blogging
Dead blog?
How long has it been since the last time I blog here? About 2-3 months I never updated even if I said I was going to. The reason I didn't blog before is because I was busy with assignments and exams, but even when I'm free I don't feel like blogging. Maybe because I'm getting more lazy everyday. Hmm... Another reason is because there's nothing interesting to blog about. At least now it's revived.2nd Semester Break!
It's the start of the 2nd semester break now. Quite a lot of time on my hand. But I already got a few plans. It's ok if no one is reading it any more. It's for myself. A good way to play with codes too.
Something Interesting to Blog about
Hmm... During the few months I didn't update my blog, I watched few movies, in cinema and DVD. Some movies I even watched few times! The most I remember was Harry Potter and The Half Blood Prince. Watched it 3 times! Also, just recently I went to Look Out Point with my family. Quite a nice tourist place. Good food and nice view to enjoy. Too bad I didn't have a camera. Hope there'll be more interesting stuff ahead during the semester break. Going Genting on 1st October and Melacca maybe.

Monday, August 3, 2009
3 Assignments Done!
It's just a momentarily relief after handing in the 2 assignments today. Took me a long time to rush the 2 assignments. Slept at 5am yesterday just to finish up the assignments. Now, it's done and 2 more to go. Web page design assignment is due on this Friday. This assignment should be intriguing unlike the rest. Just realized that I forgot to put reference for the mass communication assignment. Lost 1 mark there. Hope my marketing and management assignment is alright.
A lot has happened lately, I don't want to see tears again... I need time for myself. There will be changes... Things might get worse, who knows? I'll be alright, I hope. Problems just keep coming in... Some problems just have no solution to it. Want to thank those who are concerned about me. I really appreciate it. It means a lot to me. Especially you, I will cheer up just like you told me to. Thank you.
Mass Communication Assignment
Marketing Assignment
Management Assignment
Marketing Assignment
Management Assignment
Friday, July 31, 2009
Got One Assignment Down!
Finally finished with one of the assignments! Only 4 more to go?! That's still a lot! Oh well...
Not in a good state of mind right now, or in short, not in a good mood due to some new problems...
One conflict leads to another... Had an arguement with my friend, Sam on MSN resulted from a conflict... I'm sorry. I'll stop here. Still got lots to do. I've put quite some effort in this assignment. Although I've said I don't depend much on my assignment marks, but still I hope the work doesn't just go to a waste.
Mass Communication Assignment
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Currently Doing Mass Communication Assignment
I'm working on my mass communication assignment. The topic is about my father's success story. The deadline for the assignment is this Friday. As usual, doing last minute work have to rush. This is the first assignment and from what I've heard there's a second assignment on advertising. Still have other assignments for other subjects as well. Gonna be busy. Don't have the time to write what I've done so far this month. I only simplifying what I'm doing now.
By the way, I'm trying a new web browser called Google Chrome. Still not sure how it works yet. Again, I don't have the time to find out now. I think Wayne-Wayne and Ah Lup knows. Next week gonna have practical assessment II. Tomorrow should be getting management studies result. Hope it's ok. Nowadays I don't expect much from my results. I wasn't the me I used to be... But some facts just doesn't change. Secondary school and college is a repeat, continues nightmare?
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Repeat post in English
01. went to College, two people together every day is not necessarily friends, and there may be nothing.
02. the University will know, never ask and others to issue, because that is not a result, regardless of who is right.
03 ... went to College and they knew that, when mobile phone is alright, not for affections.
04. the University will know, on a person does not necessarily be rewarded, and you ignore often may be the greatest importance to you.
05. College didn't know, many things that can be the icing, a lot of things you can only have one more time.
06. the University will know, love does not necessarily be true, it may be interest may be the psyche.
07. the University will know, the original high school teacher taught is so good, so irresponsible.
08. the University will know, very often encountered an unhappy thing yourself, please do not desire the sympathy of others, most people will take the stony indifference.That would even let people look down.
09. the University will know, there are many things that do not belong to you, you don't demand will be days hard tug.
10. the University will know, life has a lot of unfair, you must be addressed, believe that the strength and mass eyes.
11. the University will know that person's character can differences to so large.
12. the University will know, one person own good, because really care about you seldom, with the things they would not necessarily be beside you.So we must take care of themselves.
13. the University will know, the curriculum will inadvertently, pull down a lot before the final exam may not be lost.
14. the University will know that money is so fast that money is so much.
15. the University will know, we should seize from now on everyone you can make the man, abandon you can't keep people, not because i wanted to retain ones lose a group of people.
16. the University knew that he cares about your own self-esteem, because your self-esteem on someone else's eyes nothing.
17. the University will know, not bad when he lost his temper, eager to those around them understanding you, the people is not your parents, and now you can understand how important the parents themselves.
18. the University will know.While it doesn't matter of emotional look, you must be firmly believes that affection between people, there may be that all things cannot go beyond, but remember, just maybe.
19. the University will know, experiences many of your own by a person or thing, but that of yours, love will last the whole with him, don't be angry given, no value.
20. the University will know that many once people become let you recognize, but please memories.
21. the University will know, will encounter many temptations, no matter how you were you, you have your principles and the bottom line.
22. the University will know, some people hate you or taking a stand with you, but he loved how Thia, we have to Tatu, not and villains, but only if you are correct.
23. the University will know, many people cannot understand the relationship between men and women, together and my friends are necessarily the lover, not the lover must not be together.
24. the University will know, learning to hard, because the clever can cope with the University account are wind hair Ling angle.
25. the University will know, the original time a free is so boring, no feeling of fullness in middle schools.
26. the University will know, too care for someone else tend to hurt myself.
27. the University will know, on their own good people will be as time goes by fewer and fewer.
28. the University will know, you can not put all of us when our friends, but must not lead a man when the enemy, at least when classmates.
29. the University will know, playing with you can play up, down's don't play, or you'll lose nothing.
30. the University will know, happy often suffer from memory, often comes from the memories and reality.
31. the University will know, the original class, meals, zixi often have to own one.
32. the University will know, many people, ideas and practices that you cannot understand or don't know what he is thinking, don't want to reach or to speculate that, that would let himself, since her keep the mystery that let people stay there, but is not a stellar.
33. the University will know, everyone is a local characters with a “. ”
34. the University will know, someone else dinner or have dinner with his own please other people are very common, and even make a not very familiar peopleAre likely
35. the University will know, everyone is best considered his hometown, regardless of his hometown of poor or affluent
Will update soon I guess, after I'm done with assignments. This language in this post might not be that accurate since I just copy and pasted it from the translator. This is the same as the previous post but it's in English for some readers. This month would be busy I think, so won't be blogging much. Might summarize what I did for the whole month things when I'm free.
02. the University will know, never ask and others to issue, because that is not a result, regardless of who is right.
03 ... went to College and they knew that, when mobile phone is alright, not for affections.
04. the University will know, on a person does not necessarily be rewarded, and you ignore often may be the greatest importance to you.
05. College didn't know, many things that can be the icing, a lot of things you can only have one more time.
06. the University will know, love does not necessarily be true, it may be interest may be the psyche.
07. the University will know, the original high school teacher taught is so good, so irresponsible.
08. the University will know, very often encountered an unhappy thing yourself, please do not desire the sympathy of others, most people will take the stony indifference.That would even let people look down.
09. the University will know, there are many things that do not belong to you, you don't demand will be days hard tug.
10. the University will know, life has a lot of unfair, you must be addressed, believe that the strength and mass eyes.
11. the University will know that person's character can differences to so large.
12. the University will know, one person own good, because really care about you seldom, with the things they would not necessarily be beside you.So we must take care of themselves.
13. the University will know, the curriculum will inadvertently, pull down a lot before the final exam may not be lost.
14. the University will know that money is so fast that money is so much.
15. the University will know, we should seize from now on everyone you can make the man, abandon you can't keep people, not because i wanted to retain ones lose a group of people.
16. the University knew that he cares about your own self-esteem, because your self-esteem on someone else's eyes nothing.
17. the University will know, not bad when he lost his temper, eager to those around them understanding you, the people is not your parents, and now you can understand how important the parents themselves.
18. the University will know.While it doesn't matter of emotional look, you must be firmly believes that affection between people, there may be that all things cannot go beyond, but remember, just maybe.
19. the University will know, experiences many of your own by a person or thing, but that of yours, love will last the whole with him, don't be angry given, no value.
20. the University will know that many once people become let you recognize, but please memories.
21. the University will know, will encounter many temptations, no matter how you were you, you have your principles and the bottom line.
22. the University will know, some people hate you or taking a stand with you, but he loved how Thia, we have to Tatu, not and villains, but only if you are correct.
23. the University will know, many people cannot understand the relationship between men and women, together and my friends are necessarily the lover, not the lover must not be together.
24. the University will know, learning to hard, because the clever can cope with the University account are wind hair Ling angle.
25. the University will know, the original time a free is so boring, no feeling of fullness in middle schools.
26. the University will know, too care for someone else tend to hurt myself.
27. the University will know, on their own good people will be as time goes by fewer and fewer.
28. the University will know, you can not put all of us when our friends, but must not lead a man when the enemy, at least when classmates.
29. the University will know, playing with you can play up, down's don't play, or you'll lose nothing.
30. the University will know, happy often suffer from memory, often comes from the memories and reality.
31. the University will know, the original class, meals, zixi often have to own one.
32. the University will know, many people, ideas and practices that you cannot understand or don't know what he is thinking, don't want to reach or to speculate that, that would let himself, since her keep the mystery that let people stay there, but is not a stellar.
33. the University will know, everyone is a local characters with a “. ”
34. the University will know, someone else dinner or have dinner with his own please other people are very common, and even make a not very familiar peopleAre likely
35. the University will know, everyone is best considered his hometown, regardless of his hometown of poor or affluent
Will update soon I guess, after I'm done with assignments. This language in this post might not be that accurate since I just copy and pasted it from the translator. This is the same as the previous post but it's in English for some readers. This month would be busy I think, so won't be blogging much. Might summarize what I did for the whole month things when I'm free.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Mood Expression
Still very lazy to blog due to midterm and assignments. I'm saying this but I still haven't started on any assignments or study. Any how still feel very lazy and no mood to blog. But somehow, I feel like making a playlist. I think music can express my mood,the lyrics. The top of the list is how I'm currently feeling. Blog next time when I feel like it. That's why it is called mood expression.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
This is actually an email from Darren. College life is actually very different from secondary school life. Need to learn to adapt and change. I feel it's quite meaningful, quite related also, so I've deciced to post it since long time didn't update blog. A lot of complaints from many people already. Besides, just copy and paste only. I'm still not that lazy until that extend. I might have learnt something from this. Actually a lot of people also told me about this before. Thanks.
This is actually an email from Darren. College life is actually very different from secondary school life. Need to learn to adapt and change. I feel it's quite meaningful, quite related also, so I've deciced to post it since long time didn't update blog. A lot of complaints from many people already. Besides, just copy and paste only. I'm still not that lazy until that extend. I might have learnt something from this. Actually a lot of people also told me about this before. Thanks.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Father's Day Celebration
This is a delayed post. But still, I wanna wish you a Happy Father's Day. This is the first time we celebrated with cake. Maybe you're not really happy that day and it's not a surprise to you since you already found out. Anyway, we celebrated at KFC since you say you long time never eat KFC. As for the cake, I wanna thank those who came out with this idea and that helped me prepare.

I don't like cake but at least it's green in colour. GPL a.k.a Gam Pou Loh!
A Gift From Physics Teacher
Was cleaning my room and found something meaningful. It was a note gift left by the temporary physics teacher last time before she leave. By the way, my secondary school, SMK Damansara Utama found to be infected by H1N1. It's on the news. Kinda miss my secondary school time, the friends, the outings, the homework? Maybe not the homework. For sure I know I miss science! Especially Biology! No more going to lab and experiments.
On the note:
You can see more of the world not by traveling to foreign lands,
but by seeing your surrounding with a new vision.
I realized that what a fool I am. Caring for others, while others doesn't even care for you. It's really stupid. Really hope I don't face it any more.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
SS2 Pasar Malam vs Cheras Pasar Malam?
Thursday after class, went to 1u to meet up with Yik Shiow and Jia Yeen for sushi. Long time never have sushi already. After having sushi for lunch, we shop around. I bought games eventhough I don't really play games any more. Until now I still haven't touch the games. Yik Shiow shop for present for her friend. It's still early and didn't wanna go home and sleep, so I thought of going to Herman's house to share with game with him. Then he told me he's still at UTAR. So, after sending both of them back, I head to UTAR.
After that, everyone went to Herman's house. Until it's finally evening, we went to SS2. The driver's driving is even better than mine! SS2 pasar malam isn't that long compared to Cheras one. Not much to eat. We walked 2 rounds less within an hour but we can't walk finish Cheras pasar malam even within 2 hours. Saw last time tuition friend who turns out to be Vincy's friend again.
Getting late already, but before going home, we went to Cheras for Tong Shui. Wai Ho joined us. Although there is no Ah Guah, but Herman kena horn 2 times. That's all for the day and everyone went home. Felt quite happy that day with you around. I did things I never expect myself to do again. 你开心就够了。
After that, everyone went to Herman's house. Until it's finally evening, we went to SS2. The driver's driving is even better than mine! SS2 pasar malam isn't that long compared to Cheras one. Not much to eat. We walked 2 rounds less within an hour but we can't walk finish Cheras pasar malam even within 2 hours. Saw last time tuition friend who turns out to be Vincy's friend again.
Getting late already, but before going home, we went to Cheras for Tong Shui. Wai Ho joined us. Although there is no Ah Guah, but Herman kena horn 2 times. That's all for the day and everyone went home. Felt quite happy that day with you around. I did things I never expect myself to do again. 你开心就够了。
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